Expungements & Character Reference Letters

Stephen Howard — Stone River Law

Real People. Real Solutions.

Tips on Getting Good Character Letters

Character letters can play an important role in convincing the court to grant your expungement petition. Here are some tips.

To Whom….

Here are some options::

  • โ€œJudge [Last Name]โ€ (if you know the name)
  • โ€œYour Honorโ€ (if you don’t know the name or if the original judge has retired)
  • โ€œTo Whom It May Concernโ€ (a good all-purpose salutation).

Elements of the Letter

Briefly cover the following topics to help give the judge and/or prosecutor a better picture of the person you are writing for.

  • Introduction (1 or 2 sentences)
    • Who are you?
    • How do you know the person you are writing for?
  • General Impressions (paragraph)
    • Describe the person’s general character.
    • Are there specific positive attributes or strengths that stand out to you?
  • Positive Changes or Growth (paragraph)
    • Maturing and growing up?
    • Overcoming alcohol or drug use issues?
    • Education or employment achievements?
    • Other changes?
  • Involvement in Positive Actions (paragraph)
    • Working hard?
    • Helping neighbors?
    • Caring for family?
    • Participating in community activities?
  • Conclusion (short paragraph)
    • Does this person deserve a break / second chance?
    • Are you confident that this person is on the right track now?

Send it to Your Attorney

You attorney will make sure the letter contains the information that is needed, then get it filed at the right time and place and provide copies as may be required.

Questions? Ask Your Attorney

Good advice from a good attorney is the best way to get your questions answered.

Some Additional Tips

Writing Suggestions

  • Be concise: Aim for about a half-page, but not more than a full single page.
  • Be specific: Concrete examples can help demonstrate specific aspects of their character.

Pen & Paper or All Digital?

An ink signature on a printed page is great. But whatever format works best for you should be just fine.

  • Typed, printed, and signed in ink;
  • Scanned copy of the signed letter;
  • Snapshot of the letter from your phone;
  • PDF copy – with or without signature;
  • Handwritten letter on notebook paper;
  • Send us an email with what you want to say.

Everybody is busy. Whatever format makes it easiest to get the letter written and sent to your attorney is probably going to be the best format to use.

Make it Personal

This page contains general information. You do not need to follow every tip or include every suggested bit of information.

The letter is about the person you are writing for. Make it sincere and genuine. Keep it real.